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Tips for Home Learning: Wellbeing

Advice and information to help students who are learning from home.

Ask for Support

Looking after yourself also means knowing when to ask for support.  Your Social and Emotional Counsellor team are here for you.  Remember that you are not alone and reach out to them if you need someone to talk to.  

Your team this year are Kate (Block A), Mengke (Block B), Lois (Block C), and Rich (Head of Social and Emotional Counseling).

CSC Social and emotional team

Time with Family and Friends

We are a social species.  The people around you, especially friends and family, are one of your greatest resources for staying happy and healthy.  Try to consciously step away from your devices on occasion and "pause for people" (Kline).  Make time for the important people in your world.  Build memories, laugh, be active together, share worries, play games.  You will be happier and healthier for it.


Introducing mindfulness into your daily routine is a form of self-care, allowing you the opportunity to relax and become aware of your thoughts and feelings.  There are lots of examples of mindfulness, so find what works best for you.  This could be simply taking 5 minutes to sit and meditate, or doing something active like yoga or walking meditation.  To get you started you might like to try out one or more of these guided meditations.  

Screen Time

Online learning inevitably means a lot more screen time than you would usually have.  We use our devices for attending classes, socializing, entertainment, and so much more.  It is more important than ever to stay aware of the time you spend online, and to balance your day with off-screen activities.  To help keep balance in your day you could think about setting yourself personal boundaries about how, when, and where you will use your device.  Take screen breaks and remember to "pause for people" (Kline).  Devote time to off-screen socializing, hobbies, and physical activities.  

Health and Fitness

Online learning can often mean a lot more time spent unmoving in front of the screen.  Try to stay balanced by placing just as much importance on your health and fitness as on other core parts of your life.  Working from home whilst being in a lockdown situation can be even more challenging. No matter what, remember that staying active is important for your general wellbeing, not just your physical health. Look after yourself by getting a good night's sleep, eating healthily, and exercising daily.