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Trish Pearson
In this guide, you will find essential documents for writing the EE in the following subjects
Essential documents include Subject Specific Guidelines and Sample Essays for each course.
From the Guide:
An extended essay (EE) in individuals and societies is intended for students who are interested in undertaking research in an area of economics, geography, history, philosophy, or world religions.
The individual and societies EE is intended to encourage the systematic and critical study of:
Students' choice of topic should enable them to recognize that the content and methodologies of the subjects are contestable and that their study requires critical thinking.
Students must have sufficient grounding in the subject under which they submit their essay: reading a textbook or consulting an encyclopedia while writing the EE will not compensate for a lack of proper background knowledge.
For a longer general overview of an arts-related EE, see Individuals and societies: An introduction. This document contains information on: